Re: Urdheim, The Infinite Horde
Thanks for the response Endoperez, I was expecting as much.
So no one has any suggestions/opinions about darkvision? (Have to say I'm a bit dissapointed about that.)
Well, I'm going to backup the .dm file and make a go for it.
Then another quick game to see how the balance works.
Removed a province defense commander not previously mentioned (who is otherwise cool) for 'not feeling right'.
Removed a summon for same reason.
Rewrote many spell descriptions. (I'm quite happy with the farsummons now.)
Summoner can now use strength boosting items/heroic abilities to improve it's attack.
Added traps. (2 in weapon form/1 in spell form).
Tweaked down startunits.
Upgraded Kobold Strider.
Created mod banner.
Overall, I feel like I'm quite close to a release. We'll see how the darkvision/cavefort goes.
There will be a download by friday.
Does anyone know how to add more than heat 3 to a creature without adding fire magic on it?