Random magic modding, plus other questions
I'm almost finished with the non graphical elements of my mod, and I have a couple questions.
1)I am trying to create a mage with linked random magic. I want them to have 2 levels in a random path (preferably any path except blood), with a 10% chance of having 3 levels in that path. Is there any way to do this?
2) How do you make a summoning ritual that summons comanders, instead of normal units?
3) I am trying to create an immobile commander with blood vengence. I stat copied the angel of vengence, set resistances back to 0, map move to 0, and the immobile flag. However, it didn't work correctly. It has flying. This allows it to move if its not a commander. As a commander, it must teleport, as I want. However, it can also move in battle instead of staying stationary. It also has the holy scurge, and is holy. Finally, the name is angel of fury, instead of Astral Mirror.
Idealy, i would like a create with blood vengence, magic being, immortal, immobile, immune to poison, need not eat, amphibion, blind, and attacking it horror marks the attacker. It should have no weapons, and no item slots. Am I doing this the correct way, is there any way to get it closer to what I want?
3) I'm getting a blank hero instead of the ones I want, I have gotten my multihero, but I get the blank one when I use #hero1 and #hero2 (as far As i can tell, its possible that only one of my heros is broken).
4) I want a unit whose only attack is mind blasts. However, when I add mind blasts i get a fist attack as well. (as a workaround, I have given it a phantasmal claw, the only weapon that made any sense)
5) finally, one of my troops refuses to use his custom weapon, he alwasy gets a fist. All of my other units use their custom items, and I can't figue out why its failing.
(Note, I want him to dual wield his weapon)
The weapon entry is:
newweapon 802
#name "Flame Blade"
#dmg 3
#att 3
#def 0
#rcost 1
#len 0
The monster entry is:
#newmonster 2811
#name "Warrior of Fire"
#copyspr 124
#ap 12
#mapmove 2
#hp 11
#prot 0
#size 2
#str 10
#enc 3
#att 13
#def 9
#prec 10
#mr 13
#mor 12
#gcost 15
#rcost 1
#weapon "Flame Blade"
#weapon "Flame Blade"
#armor "Chain Mail Hauberk"
#armor "Helmet"
#nametype 106
#itemslots 15494