Good day, Guys
Firstly, excellent game, and I'm not complaining, just observing a problem that seems to have popped up again.
The List Overrun Problem has reappeared,in CD version with all updates loaded. It did disappear, as told when I updated my free version, however, I noticed the problem is back since I loaded the CD and updates.
The problem is appearing as I am playing a generated campaign, as the Germans, April45-Dec46. I was playing the same before and the list problem disappeared with the update with the Free Version.
In both cases I started the campaign anew, after the update, so it's not a save problem.
I even double checked to ensure I had loaded the updates.
Just thought you guys should know,
Again Excellent Game, and I can't even think of the proper words to thank you guys for the work you've put in to this product.
Eternal War(gaming) PanzerBob