Ideas neeeded for some Epic Heroes
For those of you who do not mod, or visit the mod forums, I am in the process of making an Epic Heroes Mod for the MA. The goal of the mod is to create a unique epic hero that will replace your scout commander at the start of the game. It is being designed to be played with the Worthy Hero Mod.
I already have 13 Epic Heroes made for these MA races:
1. The Black Phoenix, Abysia
2. The Obsidian Medium, Agartha(added by Endoperez)
3. The Monkey King, Bandar Log(added by Endoperez)
4. The Blood-Cursed Champion, Mictlan
5. Beowulf, Man
6. The Blood Jarl, Jotunheim
7. The Fallen Angel, Pythium(Bandar Lover's idea)
8. The Immortal Assassin, Machaka
9. The Black Duke of Ulm, Ulm(Arralen's Black Steel Ulm Hero, modified a bit).
10. Black Heart Treant, Pangaea
11. The Sacred Yeti, Caelum
12. The Ancient Ophidian, Ctis
13. Hannibal, Arcosephale
A beta version of the mod is available for download on the mod forums if you want to view these heroes. I have been wracking my brain for the ideas for heroes, and some have been suggested or made by others.
But some races I have no ideas for. They are the 3 water races, the new ma race, and Shin. Any help would be appreciated.
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.