Well, I'm not bored yet, but I won't turn down surrenders if that's what people want
I was going to be away for a long weekend anyway, leaving after work Thursday, coming back late Monday. If we can get in a couple more turns before then, it might be a good time to stop?
I wouldn't go so far as to say I'd won 6 months ago, but I've certainly got Marverni on the ropes now. You'll be alive for more than two months, but I should have your forts under a siege you won't be able to break. If I can then focus on Mictlan, I should be able to win fairly easily.
Unless Ermor has something game-winning up his sleeve. He's got half again my research.
Mictlan has at least one Ice devil, which has me worried, but I don't think he has the blood income to push too many more out, while I should start to summon Air Queens and Earth Kings within a few turns.