SEV -- House Rules
I just started playing the game a couple of weeks ago and, as with most of you, I'm looking forward to the game getting "ironed out" eventually.
That being said, again like most of you, I will be damned if I'm not going to check this baby out anyway.
So..I was wondering if as of this date, there are some things to do or absolutely NOT do when playing this release (with BMod) for a halfway decent game?. For instance I was reading on a post about placing mines at warp points early game so as to keep the AI from sending in piecemeal ships. Seems to me a good strategy if you want a decent end game. But there are probably many more.
So what "House Rules" would lead to a game that will give the AI half a chance to give me a run-for-my-money? i.e., Don't research this, stop researching engines at X Level, give the AI 500k starting bonus, don't attack an enemy planet for at least X turns after you declare war so they have time to build up some defenses, allow tech treaties with AI's, but never accept one yourself,etc.
I have read so many great suggestions, I just thought " what should the top 10 or 20 "House Rules" be?"