Re: Immortal Infantry - How raise HIT chance ?
have NO idea what your exact situation was but I have simuated it in tests ( Finn Infantry in woods with shell holes with 6 KV-1's) and I really don't see a problem. I ALSO do not see a problem with turning Infantry toughness down if you think they are too strong now. That option is NOT "useless" I just tested it and it works just fine.
I`m may send you my saves for each turn as examples. All thing exactly as first post says. SPWW2 with latest path. And yes, i`m save, set "inf.touch" in 30, play turn, load, set "inf. touch" in 250, play again - nothing changed. Only small reaction at 30 "inf.tough" as i`m may see - if infantry get hit and take losses - his losses heavier. IF it take hit, IF.
I'm curious though. How many times have you played WinSPww2 so far ?
Hmmm... It`s long, long story.
Long, long ago i`m played many campains with SP1 and SP2.
(And instantly threw in trash can SP3).
After this - i`m played several campain in MatrixGames SPWAW v7-v8. After several situation such as fired 2-3 152mm shell from KV-2 at germ.inf in 300m and infantry get NO ONE loses - i`m erase this game too.
Now i`m hear about windows version of SP1 and SP2. Download and play. After i`m get described situation - 6 KV-1 about ten turn don`t kill any finn.inf - i`m think - may be original SP1 forever ? :-)