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Old April 10th, 2007, 08:34 AM
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Bluebird Bluebird is offline
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Default CD key violation?!

I just got a CD key violation for a game that I am hosting, telling me that I am using the same key in multiple installations.

I do have 2 installations (home and work), but I never use them at the same time. I did my move from home, and then had to switch 2 other players to AI from work.

I have purchased sufficiently many keys to make all my activities legal. It was just more convenient for me to do a 'tar/untar' from one machine to the other than to go through the install/patch process again. And I obviously forgot to update the 'key' file, but my questions are technical:

- Why is this a CD key violation? What are the precise rules and where are they documented?
- Why didn't it warn me instead of accepting my turns, and then just not executing my moves? This can ruin a whole game. :-(

I hate DRM and technocracy *grr*
There are roads which must not be followed, towns which must not be besieged, positions which must not be contested, commands of the sovereign which must not be obeyed. (Sun Tsu "The Art of War", ca. 500 BC)


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