Re: SE4, SE5 and Vista?
That isn't true, BM. Old programs _are_ compatible, for the most part. The old APIs are still supported in compatibility layers, much like Win9x apps are still supported in Win2x/XP (and so are those ancient 16 bit win 3.1 type apps, for the most part). You only have issues with programs that would access the low level parts of the kernel (like some AV software), that is now impossible due to the improved security model. I have yet to have any software or game compatibility issues with software I use/used on XP or Win2k. Then there is the new driver model, but that doesn't really hurt much of anything; any basic peripheral will have most likely have workable drivers already included with the OS, and more advanced stuff (eg: video cards) have new drivers available from the vendors. DirectX 9 and below games are still supported.
Vista probably isn't worth buying to upgrade your current computer, much like WinXP wasn't if you had Win2k (though it could well have been if you were still in the dark ages of Win9x). But if you are buying/building a new computer, you will be better off getting (non-Home Basic) Vista instead of XP. Some vendors (eg: Dell) have even been running "free upgrade to vista home premium" type offers lately.