What to do?
Question to the collective. I had a recent battle in my German 1941 long campaign (core around 5K now) where in a meeting engagement the Brits has 8(eight) troops of OB 25 pounders and 4(four) troops of 4.5" OB guns! They also had the usual slew of mortars.
I'll be honest - I punted back out to the prior battle save - I was getting way too killed by the overkill arty - (approx 2300-2400 of their points!).
Weakness I admit.
However, What should I do tactically if I run into that again? I expect potential repeats of that when I return to Russia in 1942. Do I just run like hell? I hate to end a campaign with a developed core on one bad AI deployment. I can't imagine getting to 1944 with a bigger force and possibly facing 5000-6000 points of American OB artillery, probably with 5-6 flights of P-38js to boot.