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Old February 27th, 2007, 10:27 PM

johnarryn johnarryn is offline
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johnarryn is on a distinguished road
Default War is Hell - Ended. johnarryn wins as EA Ulm.

We currently have 10 players:

Currently in:
Ulm - johnarryn
Ermor - tromper
Niefelheim - atreides
Kailasa - BandarLover - Set to AI
Arcoscephale - Digress
Marverni - Thrawn
Yomi - Smu666ler - Defeated
Abysia - herbacious - Defeated
Agartha - CyborgMoses - Defeated
C'tis- GameExtremist - Defeated
Rlyeh- LoloMo - Defeated
Oceania - Methel
Sauromatia - Szumo
Atlantis - Dedas - Set to AI
Mictlan - Cupido2

Info about the game:
All settings are default EXCEPT....

graphs are off (I prefer no graphs. It makes it more difficult to determine your enemies' strength... scouting and accurate intelligence is much more important).
Renaming is allowed.
There will be a master password, in case I need to remove someone from the game (i've had too many problems to do without this).

I am not going with the accelerated start that GameExtremist suggested because, although early turns are slow, I feel they are very important to play. Your early expansion and development will translate into advantages later, so its good to learn how to take those early turns.

Im very happy to see alot of newer players joining the game... one of the things I like about hosting is that I can help new players to experience MP without too much pressure from playing against uber-veterans.

The map will be large (probably about 225 provinces, 15 per player, perhaps a bit larger), with a good amount of water provs (all 3 aquatics are in this game) as well as a good amount of mountainous barriers. This will likely be a long game... so I hope everyone can stay committed.

As I mentioned, Sheap's rules of diplomacy are in effect. I think the most important thing to remember is that we are playing a game... diplomacy is an important part of this game, and deception can be an important tool in diplomacy. So, scheming in-character is fine... however, don't use the mechanisms of the game to be a dick, by which I mean never do something like agreeing to a trade of gems for an item, and then not trading the item after you receive the gems. Thats a problem. On the other hand, breaking treaties is a-ok as long as you're willing to face the consequences in-game. But DON'T bring your gripes into the real world... i.e. don't insult a player because they've done something you don't like in the game. It's petty and detracts from the fun of the game.

Good luck to everyone!
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