Thanks for the input... my comments as follows:
Xox said:
I would suggest not keeping the bid points to 5pt increments, because allowing any increment would be an interesting way of using those unused build points in most God creations. If it takes a little longer, no big deal, that would be an interesting pregame to the actual game.
Actually, while it would be the most accurate, I belive it would take quite a bit longer if you used 1 point increments. Perhaps if you were bidding real time it would be ok, but I'm sure some nations would get bid up fairly high - and having to wait for the next bidder to post in a forum to increase the size by 1 would be agonizingly slow (IMHO) espcially if you have 10+ players.
Xox said: I also suggest making bidders in the auction secret, with the host giving each player a player number and they bid for nations as a secret bidder. This keeps the spoiler factor down, and makes the bid process less personal.
Good idea!
Xox said:
I would love it if you could bid negative points for the really unpopular nations and possibly get God points, but I suppose that is not possible?
Not that I know of but in reality, though it doesn't seem like it at first glance, things will balance out. The weaker that nations are viewed the higher the other nations will go as players stuggle to avoid them.
Xox said: Great beginning idea Velusion.