Re: Off Topic DO NOT BUY CIV 3
Spyder, check out or you can check the lst one is always up to date, strategyfirst usually behind. will give you description of EU I & II. I have EUI and like it, II is supposed to be better. Basically in 2 you start in 1419 and go up thru Napoleon. All the various countries at that time period are present. Also campaigns, 100yr war, war of roses, French revolution and many more, play the various scenerios or campaigns or play the Grand Campaign in which you take 1 country and try to conquor the world. There are many things that can affect you, religion (most religions at time in game), diplomacy (marry off your children to form alliances), trade, and of course War, numerous wars going on, your allies can drag you into a war even tho you don't want to, you have a choice but if refuse it affects your nation etc, you can also ask your allies to join in war against someone but then all alliances come into play for both sides. really to much to explain, check the sites and the forums, Like I said I enjoyed EUI and look foreward to EUII, good game
PS. My son wants Battle Realms for Xmas, anyone know anything about it or how good it is? tks
just some ideas mac
[ 20 December 2001: Message edited by: mac5732 ]
just some ideas Mac
BEWARE; crochety old geezers play SE4, in between bathroom runs
Phong's Head Parking