Re: Off Topic DO NOT BUY CIV 3
I bought CTP II one year ago(!) and I couldn't believe how much CIV III lags behind in every aspect. User Interface, fun, movies - you name it!
I wonder if I shall invest(aka waste) another minute an CIV III. I rather play CTP II.
CTPII gives you future technologies, buildings, terains, governments and units packaged with a lot of fun to play them.
CIVIII gives you CIV1 with new graphics, trade system and diplomacy(not that it improves anything) with the same old (10 years?) interface! You want to know your 5 best cities for production? Scroll the list and find them yourself! You want to insert an item into the production queue of those 5 in one easy step? Forget it!
Have you ever played SE-IV? Imagine all(yes all) those listings of planets, ships, fleets ... but you can't sort them. Production queues without pictures just to make sure you paid attention. Hell dunno why I didn't uninstall CIVIII right away!
Safe money and buy SEIV GOLD!