questions (and is there a FAQ anywhere?)
Hello all. Just bought Dominions 3, finding it all very absorbing. A few questions which I couldn't find the answer to in the manual (although I might have missed it):
1) How do you get rid of afflictions? Will any afflictions (e.g. Limp) disappear if you just wait long enough?
2) When I cast the Nature spell which reveals all Nature sites in a province (Haruspex?), it searches the province to level 9. However the manual states that the most hidden a site can be is level 4. Is there any advantage to searching a province to level 5+?
3) Is it possible to have more than one magic site of the same type in a province, i.e. is there any point casting Haruspex on a province which already has a Nature site?
4) Do you ever get magic sites in your home province?
In general, is there a FAQ which answers these sorts of questions?