AATF: Comments and question....
I am really enjoying the game (concept) but I have experienced quite a few crashes since I began playing a few days ago. I can't tell what is causing it but always happens while furiously clicking. This game requires quite a bit of that when issuing orders. I know the last crash was while on the mission screen.
My question. I'm playing the first Veit Nam battle. While dismounting company "B" i suffer some losses and damage to my transports. I send them back to base to mount and deliver company "c". Well, they can't load the entire company because of the afformentioned losses. I send what I do have loaded to the LZ for dismount and the remaining company "c" troops take off on foot with movement orders all the way to the LZ. I have to sellect them by drag and drop, detatch them and give them a "stop" order. I then have to go back and manually delete all of the movement orders just so they will stay put. After dismount I return to pick up the remaining elements of company "c" and I can't get my transportds to mount them. The whole thing turns into a huge "cluster F***". You see what I am trying to do but I have to be doing something wrong and there must be a better way. Any advice?