Re: SE IV Gold: Starting tech levels? Yes or No?
Another test.
Created 3 tech areas:
Dummy A
Dummy B (requires Dummy A level 1)
Dummy C (requires Dummy B level 1)
Initially, made Dummy B a racial tech type with start level of 1.
Started a race with Dummy B tech. Saved game, edited tech file so that tech B is now a normal, non-racial item.
Loaded game : Was able to research Dummy A and Dummy C, but not Dummy B.
So, it looks like this works; still need to test trading.
Another thing to test is how many racial areas we are allowed. I might make my mod so that ANY tech can be bought with racial points, and that ANY tech can be researched. Thinking maybe race points cost is based on cost of that tech at level 1, plus half cost of all pre-req techs. Only available at level 1. Then I just have 2 TechAreas files; one for game startup, one for game in progress.