Thank you very much!
I'll try and play around with it for a bit - you dont happen to know the terrain code for sea vs. deep sea or maybe know a place or document where i cant find the relevant info?
And dom-version for dom 2 would be 2.16 for the newest patch version right?
But again - Many thanks for the reply - the maps are quite much nicer graphically than the original Dom 2 random maps so i'd rather not miss out if i can help it
Edit: Changing version number made it create game! No idea yet if the deep sea code will create problems - Another problem occured though - I've started a game on a ~1500 province map but Dom 2 appears to only support as much as 500 provinces... - Is there any known way to circumvent this or do I just have to "content" with the 500 limit

( Ive played Faerun Large a number of times so I know how much that is
