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Old December 20th, 2006, 11:21 PM
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Uh-Nu-Buh Uh-Nu-Buh is offline
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Default HoneyBadger\'s Watercolor Translation and Generator

This is an exciting project. I will be project manager.

Ok, assignations.

HoneyBadger, you have the priority action items of:
--migrate present sprites to Watercolor versions
--create watercolor map generator
--create random watercolor unit sprite generator (inputs would be race (e.g. human), # arms, # legs, # heads, size, etc.
--create timeline
--create project guidelines for the huge number of volunteers for this project
--filter (weed) out the undesireables--using force if necessary

I will have the following action items:
--manage project

I propose (not to step on your feet, and feel free to go your own direction) that we filter volunteers based on creativity. Let their first post here be the basis for keeping or discarding them from the team. We can assign them functions based on how creative their post is. E.g. "Hi! I'd like to help. I am an advanced AI programmer." would generate a discard. We need input that is watercolored in nature. So--here would be a winner:

YO YO YO I would be a great choice for map generator coder because SPUTNIK!!!!

Wow, that would be a winner!!!111!!!

Ok, let's roll up our sleeves! Dig in. We should plan on having the whole thing done by Tuesday.
--Uh-Nu-Buh, Fire/Death
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