Re: Final Correspondence Smuggled out of Ermor.
I wish to study the ways of nature, and perhaps gain a better understanding on it's dwellers, the Panii. I wish to trade give water or death gems in exchange for NATURE gems. I would buy nature gems for gold too. Thanks a lot for your interest, and please private message or e-mail me. You offer the price!!!
I think the last events that lead to the attack of my port by the Kingdom of Pangaea from an another continent where part of a missunderstanding. I state again to the world and to the panii, that I do NOT wish war with them. "My numbers were drastically depleted", as Pangaea's king (or thane or warchief or despot... ) said earlier. I bring the world of peace to their capital with 3 chosen priests (who made their name know in the field of negociations and peace making). Their escort will consist only a few servants, not more then a few giants and a handfull amazon horseman to lead the way in the lands, since my giants tend to loose the road in those lands. I hope you will not attack them, and our peace negotiations can start.