Question about reproduction in SEV
Actually, I have a couple of them.
I have always been annoyed that the default reproduction rates in SEIV are ridiculous (at least for humanish races). They are usually displayed as being between 10 and 20% - which is not that bad when calculated like simple interest but since when compounded 10 times each year it becomes outrageous. A population of 50M would grow to 55M using the first method (at 10%) but about 130M using the second. That means that about 60% of the population is less than one year of age! Talk about a baby boom!
So I was wondering if anyone had noticed how this works in SEV.
Question #1: Can reproduction rates include decimal values (more appropriate for exponential growth)?
Question #2: Can reproduction rates be represented using a formula?
This of course, is all assuming that reproduction rates can still be changed (and that they actually work the way that they are supposed to).
Look it's Abbie!