Presented here is a new Late Ages nation for your game-time enjoyment:
Teutanion [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Dagger.gif[/img]
When so many nations turned to devilry
, inquisition [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Campfire.gif[/img], and vengeful magic [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Fish.gif[/img], the kings of Teutanion stood rigid against what they saw as the debasing of essential values. The virtues of the knightly gentleman (courage, justice, courtesy, and martial prowess among them) were exalted by the noble houses and a new order of vaunted warriors was created. The Knights of the Crown embody the chivalric code and fight for the High King of Teutanion and his noble princes. Chivalry came to be expected of magicians as well, and in the hope of spreading virtuous attitudes among the practitioners of magic an academy was created to train worthy applicants in the mysterious ways of the elements and the etiquette of the court. Inspired by the revelation of the new god, the Teutan nobles and their knightly and wizardly orders are rallying as one to the banner of the High King and preparing to campaign against a backward and wicked world.
This nation is an addition to the normal Late Ages nations (nation number 70) and will not replace any of the original nations. I have done some limited play-testing to make sure there is nothing extremely unbalanced about the mod and it seems to fit in well. Load it up, check out the readme file, and give the mighty Teutans a try. Please let me know your impressions and concerns so I can make this mod even better!
v1.1: 176 downloads
v1.0: 99 downloads
CHANGES FOR v1.11 (thanks to PvK):
-Light cavalry fixed
-Slight adjustments to halberdier stats
-New commander: 2546 Elementalist
-Blue Wizard has been given Poor Amphibian ability
-White Wizard has been given Shock Resistance 100
-Halberdier & Brown Wizard given decreased encumberance
-Halberdier & Foot Knight attack and defense skills adjusted
-Peasants & Footmen gold costs slightly reduced