Understanding the weapons and balance
Could someone verify how the code works for weapons?
Meson Blaster:
(15 + (([%Level%] - 1) * 5)) - (([%Range%] / 10) * 0.00) - iif([%Range%] > Min(90, (([%Level%] - 1) * 10) + 30), 10000, 0)
So, 15 damage plus 5 damage per level after 1st.
Range is.. what? 90? But the manual says the Meson Blaster is supposed to be a range of 30. Is this a bug? I hope so.
Also, what is the % to hit chance for Direct Fire weapons?
Overall, I'm trying to understand weapons balance in the game as a whole. So far it appears to be:
Use the Meson Blaster.
I'm working on a spreadsheet that lists all the weapons by damage, range, cost (research and m/r/o). How do I attach it here?
Has anyone had success going with all Missle weapons?