That Jraenar picture was made by editing bitmaps. I do not have 3d meshes of original ships, and trying to model something that matches so good would be too hard. What I did was basically combine the dreadnought with the engines of the battlecruiser.
It was an experiment to see it if was possible, not all needed new ship sizes for all existing shipsets would be possible to make this way, but I think that there are a lot that can. The plan would be to replace most copied pictures in time.
How soon are you going to get this going? If we are going to have this ready for the CD Versions, we need to get on the ball.
Hopefully we can agree soon with the set of names. Then it will be a matter of S_J writing the copying program and dogscoff and me getting a few sample shipsets. It would be great if I can make at least the complete generic shipset, in a similar way I made tha Jraenar ship.
This is my proposition for all sizes of the neo-standard. 20 new size pictures to be added to the 29 original ones, almost dulpicating installed size
Format is
ShipPic - Alternative pic (copy source) - simple description.
Corvette - Frigate - Normal ship between ES and FG
DestroyerHeavy - Destroyer - Normal ship between DS and LC
CruiserHeavy - BattleCruiser - Normal ship between CR and BC
DreadnoughtHeavy - Dreadnought/Baseship - Normal ship between DN and baseship
Baseship - Starbase - Normal baseship
BaseshipHeavy? - Baseship/Starbase - bigger than baseship, not sure about this.
WorldShipSmall - None(use generic-neutral if not available) - Battlemoon/death star
WorldShipMedium - None(use generic-neutral if not available) - Battlemoon/death star
WorldShipLarge - None(use generic-neutral if not available) - Battlemoon/death star
ResourceShipSmall - TransportSmall - ship with reduced manteinance for remote mining
ResourceShipLarge - TransportLarge - the same but bigger
CarrierTiny - CarrierLight - carrier smaller than light carrier
CarrierMassive - CarrierHeavy - carrier bigger than heavy carrier
BaseOutpost - BattleStation - Base between battestation and starbase
ColonyShipLarge - ColonyShip - bigger Version of colony ship
TransportTiny - TransportSmall - smaller transport, presumable faster
Should we add a massive one?
FighterHuge - FighterLarge - bigger fighter
FighterMassive - FighterLarge/Escort - even bigger fighter
InfantryTroop - RacePortrait/Pop TroopSmall- very small troop
TroopHuge - TroopLarge - bigger troop
Here's the analysis of vehicle sizes in different mods I used to came up with the conclusion above. I think I considered the most important mods by now. I include my starwars mod only because it was mentioned in this thread, but I don't think it is comparable with those other great mods.
All vehicle sizes are listed in this format:
Name - PicName - Tonnage - Mod(s) where it appears
None - Standard Unmoded Game
DN - Devnull Mod
P&N - Pirates & Nomads
UM - Ultimate Mod
SW - Star Wars Mod
Normal Ships:
Escort - Escort - 150 - None/DN/P&N/UM/SW
Corvette - Frigate - 200 - DN
Frigate - Frigate - 200 - None/DN(250kt)/P&N/UM/SW
Monitor - Frigate - 250 - UM
Destroyer - Destroyer - 300 - None/DN/P&N/UM/SW
Heavy Destroyer - Destroyer - 350 - DN/UM(GunShip)
Light Cruiser - LightCruiser - 400 - None/DN/P&N/UM/SW
Orbital Battleship - Cruiser - 750 (slow) - UM
Cruiser - Cruiser - 500 - None/DN/P&N/UM/SW
Heavy Cruiser - BattleCruiser - 600 - DN/UM(575)
Battle Cruiser - BattleCruiser - 600 - None/DN(650kt)/P&N/UM/SW
Battleship - Battleship - 800 - None/DN/P&N/UM/SW
Dreadnought - Dreadnought - 1000 - None/DN/P&N/UM/SW
Super Dreadnought - Dreadnought - 1250 - DN/UM(Behemoth)
Baseship - Starbase - 1500 - None/DN(Monitor)/P&N/UM/SW
Super Monitor - Starbase - 2000 - DN
BattleMoon - MassiveBaseShip - 10000 - P&N/SW(Small Death Star-15000kt)
Medium Death Star - mds - 30000 - SW
Large Death Star - lds - 60000 - SW
Both DN and UM add a 250kt ship, UM adds it as monitor, while DN adds a 200kt corvette and moves the frigate to 250. We only need 1 extra size here, either between ES and FG or between FG and DS.
DN and UM add a ship between DS and LC.
DN and UM add a Heavy Cruiser ship between CR and BC.
DN and UM add a ship between DN and baseship.
Baseships deserve their own picture.
DN super monitors are bigger than baseships, but not even close to battlemoons. Probably they should re-use the monitor/baseship picture not being worth of a new one.
BattleMoons and Death Stars far above the rest.
WorldShipSmall - WorldShipMedium - WorldShipLarge
(UM- Malfadorian)
Galley - Escort - 650 - UM
Trireme - Cruiser - 1300 - UM
Juggernaught - Battleship - 1950 - UM
Magnus Prime - Dreadnought - 2600 - UM
UM adds this ship sizes to players with a specific racial advantage.
I don't know enough about this mod. Maybe they can use pictures to show better their real size, or maybe they are meant to look small (the galley is bigger than a battlecruiser, but looks like an escort).
Special Abilities
Observer - Escort - 130 (built in cloak) - UM
Science Ship - Destroyer - 375 (built in sensors/scanners) - UM
Stellar Manipulator Barge - TransportLarge - 2010 - DN
I'm not sure if these sizes need new pictures or can re-use the ones above.
Prospector - TransportSmall - 200 - DN
Mining Base - TransportLarge - 500 - DN
These ones are nice, maybe a
ResourceShipSmall and
Scenario Resource Ship - Destroyer - 3000 - P&N
Not sure of what is this. It seems to be used only in scenario editing making and not normally available for players. A picture wouldn't be necessary.
Escort Carrier - CarrierLight - 500 - DN/UM(Converted Carrier-TransportMedium-400)
Light Carrier - CarrierLight - 800 - None/DN/P&N/UM/SW
Carrier - Carrier - 1000 - None/DN(Fleet Carrier)/P&N/UM/SW
Heavy Carrier - CarrierHeavy - 1200 - None/DN(1300-Assault Carrier)/P&N/UM(Large Carrier)/SW
Heavy Carrier - CarrierHeavy - 1400 - UM
DN and UM add a 400-500 carrier smaller than light carrier
UM adds another carrier bigger than normal heavy carrier.
Space Station - SpaceStation - 500 - None/DN/P&N/UM/SW
Battle Station - BattleStation - 1500 - None/DN/P&N/UM/SW
Outpost - BattleStation - 2000 - UM
Starbase - Starbase - 2500 - None/DN/P&N/UM/SW
Only new base is UM outpost. Do we need a new pic?
Colony Ships
Colony Ship - ColonyShip - 300 - None/DN/P&N/UM/SW
Ark Ship - ColonyShip - 500 - DN/UM(Colonization Liner)
Dn and UM add a
Note that although a colony ship is the same sze of destroyer, most pictures look as big as a cruiser or battlecruiser.
Fast Courier - TransportSmall - 210 - DN
Small Transport - TransportSmall - 300 - None/DN/P&N/UM/SW
Medium Transport - TransportMedium - 600 - None/DN/P&N/UM/SW
Large Transport - TransportLarge - 900 - None/DN/P&N/UM/SW
Small Freighter - TransportSmall - 320 (faster) - UM
Medium Freighter - TransportMedium - 620 (faster) - UM
Large Freighter - TransportLarge - 920 (faster) - UM
DN adds a small fast courier.
UM adds a second set of 3 transports, faster and slightly bigger than the first one. they shouldn't need new pics.
Small Fighter - FighterSmall - 15 - None/DN/P&N/UM/SW
Medium Fighter - FighterMedium - 20 - None/DN(Interceptor)/P&N/UM/SW
Large Fighter - FighterLarge - 25 - None/DN(Assault Fighter)/P&N/UM/SW
Huge Fighter - FighterLarge - 40 - DN(35kt-Fighter-Bomber)/UM
Heavy Assault Bomber - FighterLarge - 50 - DN/UM(60kt-Skirmisher)
DN and UM add two fighters above large fighter.
FighterHuge - FighterMassive
Medium Fighter - FighterSmall - 20 - P&N
Large Fighter - FighterSmall - 25 - P&N
Heavy Fighter - FighterMedium - 35 - P&N
Massive Fighter - FighterLarge - 50 - P&N
P&N nomads have a set of 4 fighters, they could use one of the extra fighters above. The think big racial trait adds variations, but they shouldn't need new pics.
TIE Fighter - FighterSmall - 7 - SW
TIE Bomber - FighterLarge - 11 - SW
TIE Advanced - FighterMedium - 14 - SW
And TIEs in SW use normal fighter pics.
Small Satellite - Satellite - 80 - None/DN/P&N/UM/SW
Medium Satellite - Satellite - 100 - None/DN /P&N/UM/SW
Large Satellite - Satellite - 120 - None/DN/P&N/UM/SW
There are no new sats, exept for the P&N think big in (100-125-150)
Small Mine - Mine - 10 - None/DN(5)/P&N/UM/SW
Medium Mine - Mine - 15 - None/DN(10)/P&N/UM/SW
Large Mine - Mine - 20 - None/DN(15)/P&N/UM/SW
DN reduces the size of mines, and only new mines are the P&N think big (12-18-25)
Light Infantry - Infantry - 1 - SW/P&N(Drop Pod)
Heavy Infantry - Infantry - 2 - SW
Small Troop - TroopSmall - 10 - None/DN/P&N/UM/SW
Medium Troop - TroopMedium - 15 - None/DN/P&N/UM/SW
Large Troop - TroopLarge - 20 - None/DN/P&N/UM/SW
Huge Troop - TroopLarge - 40 - UM
SW and P&N add an
UM adds a
Think P&N- Think Big also adds bigger variations without needing new pics.
Weapon Platforms
Small Weapons Platform - WeapPlatformSmall - 200 - None/DN/P&N/UM/SW
Medium Weapons Platform - WeapPlatformMedium - 400 - None/DN/P&N/UM/SW
Large Weapons Platform - WeapPlatformLarge - 600 - None/DN/P&N/UM/SW
Nothing new here exept for the P&N think big (250-500-750)