No way! That would be ridiculous. I was just pointing out that if Malfador isn't going to be fastidious about ship names, why should we? I agree that we should use the shipadjective format (ie transportlarge) rather than adjectiveship (lightcruiser) because it Groups files together nicely when sorted alphabetically. Other than that, I'd rather be a little creative with the names rather than tie ourselves to conventions which may not suit in the future.
I agree, do not change pic names such as lightcruiser to keep compatibility with non modded game without the need of redundant copies.
Yeah, I think a range of giant death stars would be good. 3 is enough though... anyone modding more than that probably needs to spend more time away from their computer.
Remember my ultimate vehicle size mod?
I was planning to revamp it once we agree with this standard.
Ok these are the names and sizes I propose:
Ship Name � Pic Name � Description
Normal ships:
Scout � Scout � smaller than Escort
Baseship � Baseship � let�s standardize this pic name for baseship size, some shipsets (Atrocities�) use bs as pic name
Small PlanetCraft? Small Planetoid? Small Worldship? Small WorldCraft? � Larger than Baseship
Medium PlanetCraft? Medium Planetoid? Medium Worldship? Medium WorldCraft? � Larger than previous one
Large PlanetCraft? Large Planetoid? Large Worldship? Large WorldCraft? � Larger than previous one
Ships such as Corvette, Heavy Destroyer, etc are not necessary. I agree the names sound cool, but there�s not an important gap between ship sizes. Maybe there is a gap between the Dreadnought and the baseship. What about a Monitor, or Super Dreadnought?
Infantry � Infantry � IMHO InfantryTroop is unnecessary redundant, there are not things such as InfantryFighters. Looks like SJ now agrees that smallest troops should be infantry and not drop pods?
The standard are Small, Medium, and Large changing them or adding others such as Light and Heavy will only generate confusion.
Sizes I propose are:
Tiny Fighter � FighterTiny � Smaller than small fighter
Massive Fighter � FighterMassive or FighterBomber � Larger and maybe slower than Large Fighter
Specialized Ships:
Large Colony ship � bigger than standard one
And not sure about this one.
Special Ship � ShipSpecial � A ship with special abilities, such as resource ship, resource miner, stellar manipulation barge, etc. Maybe a small, medium and large ones.