Wait, there are 2 separate issues here.
AMF, you have been fine. We disagree, but I have no complaints with anything you have said.
My objection was mainly to Phoenix's "concentration camp" comment, and I am frankly apalled that you would actually defend him for saying that.
No, that was not a logical deduction. Go back and look carefully. I made a comment about residents of the middle east, and he responded by accusing me of wishing to put US citizens in concentration camps.
How does "residents of the middle east" equate to "US citizens"? Even if we ignore all the other outrageously insulting implications of his comment, that alone tears any basis of logical deduction out from under his comment. It was a gratuitous cheap shot.
Care to defend him further?
AMF said:
If you don't want people to disagree with you, or draw conclusions from what you post, then I would suggest you avoid starting threads that will engender debates.
AMF, please go back and look at the initial post in this thread. And please tell me what in that
first post is engendering debate.