Well, that was bad luck. And admitedly E9 can be nasty on the SG's, though something like W9 would be worse since it would nullify their weak Def and give them and extra attack.
Seriously, against Agartans the high Def of the Ambitates really shows. You do need to have an amount advantage vs the Seal Guards though, I admit it, but I think that Ambitate Nobles are far easier to mass than Seal Guards.
Troglos are hard to deal with, but I'd use Javelineers in large numbers for them....if they are pelted with missiles and then dig too deep into block of infantry they'll get ganged and die. Remember that a troglo costs 50 gold and a javelineer costs 10. You can get 50 javelineers for the price of 10 troglogs. Troglos are great, but they need to be used in a "critical mass" so to say or they will get beaten. Javelineers are suprisingly good against the soft Agartans...
Troglo Lords and Ancient Lords are worse, but then again you have great acces to Horror Mark and Curse and a bit later on Paralyze. If you hit Evoc 5 and Alt 1 you could use a N1 Druid with either EP, 3 Earth or Communion backing for more precise Gifts from Heavens strikes.
In time of serious troubles I could even consider using Cave Drakes to suck in blows...
My typical research pattern goes Thaum 1 - Evoc 5 - Alt 1 - Conj 3 for:
- Horror Mark, Communion, Curse
- Bladewind, Gifts from Heaven
- Eagle Eyes
- Summon Earthpower
If I was in imminent threat of big creatures I could aim for Paralyze first.
That's what I'd do. Your Mileage May Vary as usual. And it might be that Marverni has harder time vs Yomi or such, just like in later era there are such pair. Imagine Marignon vs Abysia...!