SEV suggestions/gripes
Well I'm going to give SEV a chance but here are my suggestions/gripes:
1. Troops that are not just small hovering space ships. I'd like to see real ground combat with infantry, tanks, battle mechs, ect. I have to say I hate the current format. This part really bothers me the most. I wish the ground combat was more like Galactic Civ 2. I would almost rather have an automated system then a Star Trek: New Worlds clone.
2. Starships need to look more prominent then their flag markers. I just don't like the giant markers.
3. When fighters are launched they should be divided into groups/squadron. It makes no sense to me that they are randomly spread around the carrier. This seems to be a step back from SEIV. It's a task to organise 100's of fighters. Also, does the number of launching bays make a difference in how many fighters can be launched? A matter of fact sats should have formations too.
4. How about a button to create new ship types instead of having to edit the DesignTypes.txt file. SEIV has this option.
5. I like the variety in treaties but it seems to need to be better organized. I can spend an hour just trying figure out how to create a basic trade treaty.
6. Where is the capital/palace building. This was intended for SEIV but never happend. Losing this would place your empire in chaos until it was rebuilt on another planet. You could even make it a winning condition. What's the point of a home world with out it?
7. Where are the wandering space pirates/monsters? MOO, MOO2, and Birth of the Federation have them.
8. Are there any area effecting weapons? (i guess that will be handled in a mod but should be in) But speaking of weapons is there any difference between anti-proton guns and Meson Blaster? Why go for one than the other. This bothered me in SEIV.
Well, these are items that I hope are addressed. This game has potential but it almost seems like fan suggestions have fallen on deaf ears. I hope this doesn't turn into MOO3. That team dropped the ball. They listened to all of the fan suggestions and then did the complete opposite. MOO is now R.I.P. (I know modders claim it still lives)Have these items ever been brought up by the beta team? I know this may sound negative but I really want this to be a great game.