SEV Mod questions
Sorry if some are noob questions, just wanted to get them all out.
1 Is it possible to make a mod that slowly moves planets, asteroids, ships and multiple stars (in orbits)?
2 Is it possible to make a mod that moves systems in the galaxy?
3 Is it possible to mod in systems (eg starless) that do not appear on the galaxy map?
4 Is it possible to mod in opening warp points to empty regions of the galaxy map? (unfortunately meaning creating new systems)
5 Is it possible to mod in unstable wormholes or tech that would allow crossed warp lines to be jumped? (hope that makes sense)
6 Is it possible to mod a tech/device that increases/decreases the size of planets (using mass driver or gravitational technologies)?
7 Is it possible to mod more planet types/states like water (hot ice), lava (hot terran), plasma (hot gas)?
8 Is it possible to mod in organic value to be dependent on the occupying race's atmosphere type?
9 Is it possible to mod in stuff like subterranean races (and variants for each planet type) or even a tech? (remember moo2, or a toned down SE4 advanced storage techniques)
10 Is it possible to mod warp points to require an additional special tech to use? or a warp sensor tech that allows scanning the destination sector?