SE V demo Interface
If I've done this right there'll be an attachment with a picture of my screen during system display. I'm having a hard time getting past the cack-handed way this is handled. The default option is a 3D display, except it isn't. It's a faux 3D display. Before you tee off on my about space being 3D consider that the 3D display is just a lumpy approximation of a 2D image anyway. There's no actual benefit to be had from the 3D display. If you've ever referred to a map you'll know that they're a 2D representation of a 3D environment. Nobody feels the need to make maps 3D to represent the height of a mountain or the depth of a valley so why is it necessary in a GUI? I'll probably edit this further to show other examples of the interface that make no sense to me. The file names should make this self-explanatory.