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Old September 11th, 2006, 05:29 PM

Arker Arker is offline
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Default Re: Artificial stupidity

Graeme Dice said:
Now you're claiming that they _do_ act as ordered.
Not at all. I'm claiming the same thing all along, and you have posted numerous times agreeing with it.

When there are no enemies in range of their spells, and no buffs are applicable, they go to 'stay behind troops.' Even when that's NOT the order they were given.

"Actually, that's the point, they DON'T just do what they're ordered to do." If that's not calling something a bug, then nothing is.
Not really. If it was intentionally designed to work that way, it wouldn't be a bug per se. It would still be annoying, and perhaps a design decision that, in retrospect, wasn't optimal. It might be a good thing to reconsider. That doesn't really make it a "bug."

Then you haven't run very many test games. I certainly hope you're not using Saber Cherry's combat simulator.
Never used it.

As far as the minotaurs vs centaurs thing, look, that's a pointless discussion. You use what you like, I'll use what I like.

But I think that IF what you were saying about the Minotaurs, and the entire light infantry line, were true, that would be every bit as close to a 'bug' as the problem with mages I started the thread about. What's the point in having different troop types if the combat engine is so silly that your best tactic is a big pile of one troop type in the centre of the screen?

Fortunately the combat engine isn't as bad, in my experience, as you seem to think. It does have some rough spots, some things that could be improved, of course.

Light infantry are less effective than they should be, which is why I suggested a modification to the AI that would improve the situation, yes, but if you think they're useless you're just not using them right.
If you spend 1000 gold on light infantry, and I spend 1000 gold on heavy infantry, you will end up losing, since I'll have about 75% as many troops as you, yet each one can kill two or three (or more) of yours.
I don't doubt that at all.

I wouldn't do that, though. I'd spend perhaps 700 on the heavies, the last 300 on the lights, and deploy them to screen or flank. I think I'd win, and again, if I wouldn't, that would seem to be a 'bug' at least by your standards.

IF you set them up on the battlefield right, right for Dominions that is, not right in any realistic sense, then yes, you can get that out of them. If they're foot troops, at least.
It's not hard to set them up right. You put them in a single block in the middle of the field on "fire closest".
If that's the extent of your tactical thinking, I guess a lot of this makes more sense now

Since foot archers can reach across nearly the entire battlefield, what possible advantage do you hope to gain by using mounted archers? You aren't going to do significantly more damage by having them move closer, the combat model isn't detailed enough for that.
No, actually, it's definitely not that bad. Archers hit a LOT more at close range than all the way across the battlefield.

They could also be used to 'pull' enemy squads into disadvantageous positions.


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