Short 75mm missing its smoke rounds?
Hi All
While I�m on the topic of smoke I have another thought, the short "Kurtz" 75 mm gun was originally designed to be carried in the PZ IV and used as a support weapon, supporting the pz III wich was the gun tank designed to take on other tanks. Typical tasks for the Kurtz 75 weapon would be to suppress MG pits, destroy infantry, lay smoke. The role of this weapon did not change during the war though it was later fitted in the pz IIIn, German armored cars (234/3) and halftracks (251/9) amongst others. The pz IIIn was used as the support tank for the heavy tiger coy�s, and the halftracks and armored cars carrying the weapon were the support vehicles for the pzgrndr and reconnaissance coy�s. However in-game this support weapon is often issued without its smoke rounds. For instance when buying a single Zug of PZ IIIn only the first command tank has smoke rounds, same for the 234/3, in the pzgrndr armored coy none of the sdkfz 251/9 have smoke rounds. I wonder if this could be remedied?
No matter what vehicle the weapon is issued to or what formation that vehicle is part of, could the 75mm Kurtz have a few smoke rounds.
Best regards Chuck.