SEIV: Iran Contra Scandal
This game just got cooler. I should have realized before now... I could have been gifting the Abbidon on my SW galactic border ships and units to stem the onslaught of the stronger Drushocka Empire till I could reinforce that area. If I did that, I could still keep my trade alliance with the Drushocka and not worry about their ships in my space till I needed to go to war at a later time. Better the Abbidon directly deal with them than me...
Hehe... A new strategy unfurls itself. How cool...
Question, how do I gift satellites and fighters? I have no problem with ships, but when it comes to units it seems to only list my transports in the units list... Strange. Is it possible? If I have to do it via them being stored in a ship, will the gifted empire use the cargo in that ship?