StarShadow said:
Nah, it's dedication, not addiction
I really wouldn't recommend a template approach to building up your worlds. I usually dedicate my worlds to just one or two things (depending on the mineral/organic/rad values), resource poor planets usually get dedicated to research, small/tiny resource poor planets usually end up as storage depots (you need lots of storage to make proper use of 'retro-series'). All planets of small or better usually get a shipyard, moons get either a shipyard or training facility.
That's about how I do mine. Even a tiny planet can hold one storage unit. Sometimes, though, when I'm more advanced, I'll use that one spot and put a atmosphere modifier on a tiny planet to get 2 or 3 units on a planet that's been redeveloped. After deleting the modifier, I can put a storage space, an intel unit or a research unit or two or three, depending on what I need. I know it takes awhile to get that far, but when you do, you'll find you'll still have a need for all of those units.