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Old April 2nd, 2006, 11:37 PM

Renegade 13 Renegade 13 is offline
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Default Re: OT: Hardware problem?

NullAshton said:
Oh yeah, a 6600GT? I recall having problems with that and overheating. It's possible that you don't have enough power going to it, as well, and need a better power supply.
I doubt power supply is the issue. Put in a new 500W PSU recently, so there's plenty of juice to go around.
StarShadow said:
I was thinking that myself. It'd be easy enough to test for, run the comp with the side off (in a reasonably cool room), if it still locks, it's likely to be a power supply issue.
I took the side cover off and ran the most graphics-intensive game I could think of. It ran stable for the hour I spent on it, whereas it usually would have crashed well within that hour. Idle temperature of the card was 66C, after the hour it was hitting 85 or so. I think it'll be alright, as long as I leave the side panel off. Hopefully. We'll see.
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