Here is a message I recently recieved from a player in one of the PBW games I am in. I had sent him a message expressing my dislike of his races actions in regards to destroying an entire system of defenseless women and children.
"You know....Until that message I regaurded & respected you as an elder statesman & strong player of this game.....Does it really bother you THAT bad that I took a wise offensive move in a GAME that seemingly looked like I was going to be attacked soon enough anyway. Can it be you are all talk?...& can't play the game to back it up? Show me!"
I would like to use this as an example to explain to everyone who might have ever taken offense at a message I may have sent to you while playing a PBW game.
When playing games on PBW many of us like to slip into character and role play our part in the game. Sometimes this includes sending angry, hateful messages to other players. Sometimes it includes using deception and or diplomacy. It is all part of playing the game.
When I play I enjoy this aspect of the game more than I should for I really like to slip into character and role play with a degree of realism. Especially when I insult my enemies.
I have to tell you I have authored some very good insults to other race leaders over the years, including but not limited to "we appreciated the amassador you sent to us. Please send more as the last one tasted very good." "You mate will scream my name when she beds you this night." "I shall enjoy eating the heart of your children as you watch."
These are just RPG aspects of the game and should never be taken literally. If you happen to feel that a comment is intentinally directed at you personally, well chances are unless it is, it isn't.
Most players when they want to go out of character will include the standard OOC marker standing for Out Of Character. While others might skip this and carry on as if it were mIRC, most hopefully do not.
So if you ever get a message from me in a game, and it isn't marked OOC - then chances are its just me role playing. So please don't be offended by it. Get into it and respond. Some of the back and forth makes for exciting, if not humorus, reading.