Different game objectives
I�ve been kicking around two type of PBW SEIV games with objectives other than eliminate all other players and wanted to see what others thought.
The first is based off of Illuminati game where each player has there own objective to win based on their secret society.
Here is an example of the societies with adjusted goals for SEIV. I�m not sure what values would make them balanced, also I don�t known how the societies would be randomly assigned in secrete. It would probably require a non player game master. Some goals would require a screen shot or other proof send to the game master to keep track.
Bavarian - Fleet of X baseships.
Discordian - a colony in X systems.
UFOs - Chose one of the objectives.
Assassins - glass X systems.
Network - Research max tech in specific fields such as (SM & Research�.)
Servants of Cthulhu - destroy 2 other players.
Bermuda Triangle - Capture a population sample from every player.
Gnomes of Z�rich - horde X amount of resources
The second type of game it what I call a turkey shoot. Basic game, but with lots of computer controlled races. The player that takes out the most computer controlled races would be the winner. If there is a tie, then the player that has captured the most sample of computer controlled races, then the total population of captured races.