Hello all,
I've been playing the SEIV demo on and off for nearly a year waiting for Malfador/Shrapnel Games to bring the game to Canada. Although we have a small population, the long wintry nights have made Canadians one of the most Internet savvy and game addicted countries in the world - making Canada a lucrative market for excellent products like SEIV.
I've got friends interested in the demo, but when they see the $90+ price of a single SEIV game (see the calculations below) - they lose interest! Especially when top-quality brand name games can be had for half the price retail. The result is no one in my town plays this wonderful game - what a shame!
The mandatory 'FedEx International Priority' at nearly $18 USD is especially painful - why can't Shrapnel Games give us a break with much cheaper ground service? We won't mind the extra wait.
So, what would it take to get Malfador and Shrapnel Games to make the price more attractive for the Canadian market?
More, importantly, does anyone know of any Canadian distributor of SEIV who understands us?
Still waiting�
Shrapnel Games
Choose a shipping option
>FedEx International Priority $ 15.70<
SKU Description Qty Price Subtotal
40001 Space Empires IV 1 $39.95 $39.95
Subtotal $39.95
Shipping $15.70
Tax $0.00
Final Total $55.65 (US dollars)
Currency conVersion:
Live Rates as of 2001.10.28 18:16:00 GMT.
55.65 USD United States Dollars = 87.7044 CAD Canada Dollars
Add Canadian 7% goods and services tax and I'm looking at over $90 for a game!
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- Tom Carew, British Special Air Services