Problems with the Star Wars Rebellion v1.03
I was hoping Intemidator could help me out on this one.
I have downloaded your starwars rebellion v1.03 and I keep getting AI General Setting errors.
Implaying the game by-myself, and someone told me that the games is a PBM, what ever that means, and I cannot play the game correctly.
Whats wrong with the game, Do I have to play the game with another person?
or can I play the game by myself with the AI against me.
I have downloaded the Planet, Facility, Events, and Components to the main files of the SEIV directory, so everything is ready to go.
Someone told me to go to this forum and you guys could help me out with this Mod.
Im really looking forward to playing the starwars Mod, so I hope this info helps out to what my problem is with this mod.