Mod Squad Rules
No, not the hip TV show, but rather the need for instructions for the rules on modding.
Little by little, I've been deciphering the text files for my own mods. Some are easy, some not so, and it is time consuming. Based on some of the questions, I'm not the only one in this boat.
I've got a handle on settings, components and facilities (plus a few other easy ones) to the degree that I can change the existing components. But I'm still 90% clueless how to add my own items and change the AI to use new additions, although I am making some headway.
Likewise, I think I just figured out how the AI politics works; acceptance of treaties seems more based on a ratio of scores and not the anger level. This seems to be why brotherly empires remain at war. (I was looking for a line which adjusted the % to accept a treaty based on the anger level .. it doesnt seem to exist, although I could be wrong)
What would help the masses would be an explaination of the individual lines within each text file.
Would any of the veteran modders be willing and/or able to post this information? Come to think of it, sharing this information could help the vet modders too, it would be a simple way to make sure everyone interprets each line the same way.
If time permits, this information would be a geat addition to the upcoming CD.
~~Repo Man at your service~~