Multiplayer Crash
We have a technical problem.
Me and a friends of mine are used to play seiv in TCP/IP multiplayer mode, on different machines on simultaneous turns, while our laptop are connected directly with a cross cable.
We both use SE IV GOLD Ed. V. 1.91, we correctly set up the game and start to play, i usually am the host. I "Begin Game" and "Process Turn" without any problem most of the times but occasionally, upon completion of turn processing, when my computer sends the new turn information to the other computer, the other computer crash, it exits from the game and give to my friend an error like "invalid exception error at xyz01293qwerty" in a simple windows dialog with just an ok button. This is very annoying because at this point we both have to restart the game and reload the savegame, and hope the problem doesn't happean again, but unfortunately most of the time the error occur repeatly in a row of turns. Sometimes we try to fix this by rebooting the machine and sometimes this works while other times it doesn't.
Do u have any idea of why this could be happening?
We don't use any firewall, we purposefully deativate them to play, because anyway we are not connected to internet buth we are just connected one to each other.
We both updated to 1.91 and we haven't experienced this error before neither during solo play nor multiplayer game except upon completion of turn processing and transmitting.
Any help?
Thank you very much.