Re: Dominions_3 Update ?? Release?
The latest official news:
Johan K. on the Modding Commands Brainstorm thread:
"Nice thread. I was just working on getting the modding operational in Dominions III and a mod thread is good for inspiration. Dom 3 is more mod friendly internally which should allow for more moddable things than previously. It is already better than dom2, but I think most of the new potential will have to wait for a patch. Have to finish up the game first."
So, the game is going well, but isn't finished yet. I quess the intenal parts of the game are more or less complete, as some kind of modding tools have already exist. I think there's more than just "the finishing" left, though. But things are proceeding: the patches have been mentioned earlier (as possibilities of Slavic and Finnish nations appearing in a patch), and now came up again... If they have to make a patch, the game will come out before they can incorporate those things in it.