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Old October 25th, 2005, 03:06 AM

RedRover RedRover is offline
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Default MOD: Zulu

Zulu Mod: The Zultu Empire

This mod recreates a mythical Zulu-based nation (the name is a shameless combination of �Zulu� and �Bantu�). The nation is intended as a regional foe and opposite number to Machaka. The Zultu magic paths are essentially Air/Earth, with a small amount of Nature mixed in. The mod replaces Abysia in the lineup of nations.

Mod Note: Because the Inyanga wise woman translates most closely as the current Witch in the Concept Balance 5.0 mod, I�ll try to make the Zultu Empire mod compatible with that mod. In particular, the CB Witch has Healing ability, and this is an intrinsic part of the culture being modeled.

Historical Campaign Role: An early competitor against Machaka, the tradition-bound Zultu Empire was ultimately destroyed by the more vital nation.

Themes: Air Magic, Earth Magic, some Nature Magic, Lions, extremely mobile infantry.
Preferred Heat Scale: +1.
Strengths: Strong national troops. Strong Mages. Sacred troops. Healing. Wasteland and Mountain Survival. Sacred Lions are exceptional.
Weaknesses: No long-range missiles or cavalry. No real access to Astral, Blood, or Death magic. Strongest magic is capital only. Forced Sloth Scale �2 (can�t mod this, but testers should take note).

Home Site�Sacred Mountain (mod Smoulder Cone)
2A2E1N. Special Units: 87 (Storyteller), 89 (Sorcerer), 90 (Warriormaids), 923 (Sangoma priest)

Zultu�the People of Heaven
(Zulu = Zultu = People of Heaven)
As the Zultu are a blessed people, they receive a national bonus of +4 Protection and +1 MR, as befits their exalted status. Any sacred bonus stacks with the national blessing. Holy units and warriors of specialized cults are even more blessed.

Zultu Empire Battle Tactics
The Zultu army is organized into regular regiments, called Impi. The typical Zultu attack formation represents an attacking bull. A strong center (called the Loins) makes a holding attack. While the enemy is pinned, fast-moving units on both flanks (the Horns) close around the enemy, who is enveloped and destroyed. A reserve is often held behind the Loins, giving extra depth to the battleline.

God Notes
I haven't dealt much with modding Pretenders and am not sure how tractable the setup screens are. The Fire God templates of Abysia are not really appropriate for the Zultu.

I would definitely put the White Bull on the chassis list. Other than that, this is something to save for later.

The Approach
The first step to making the Zultu mod is to model the national military. As a military force, the Zulus were highly organized and disciplined. They were toughened by their environment and by rigorous training. It was reported that they could run 60 miles in a day and fight a battle at the end of it.

As always, we start from the base human stock.

Base Human
sz 2, hp 10, gld ?, res ?,
Prot 0, mor 10, MR 10, enc 3,
Str 10, att 10, def 10, prec 10, mv 2/12
Special: none

Legend: sz=size, hp=hit points, prot=protection, mor=morale, MR=magic resistance, enc=encumbrance, str=strength, att=attack, def=defence, prec=precision, mv=move.

The base Zultu is physically more powerful than the root human stock. Their warlike nature gives them bonuses to their attack and defense ratings. Their cultural bias against long-range missile weapons has resulted in a �1 penalty to their Precision. Their superb physical conditioning allows them great strategic mobility. Their connection with the land allows them to easily live in savannah, hot wastelands, and mountainous regions. They have an abiding distrust of dense forests and tend to avoid them. Great evil (such as the Machaka) dwell in such places.

Base Zultu:
sz 2, hp 11, gld ?, res ?,
Prot 4, mor 11, MR 11, enc 3,
Str 11, att 11, def 11, prec 9, mv 3/13
Special: Waste survival, Mountain survival.

Cultural Weapons (??? = number to be assigned)

21 Javelin: This can be used without change to represent the traditional Throwing Assegai.

315 Machaka Spear: The Zultu had a Great Spear, too. It is considered archaic and has generally been replaced by the stabbing Assegai. The Machaka Spear can be used here without change.

??? Assegai: New weapon. A short (4-foot) stabbing spear used for close combat.

??? Knobkerrie: New weapon (slightly upgraded club).

??? Bull Knobkerrie: A new weapon associated with a specialized warrior cult.

??? Sacred Lion Claw (29): Dmg 0, Att 0, Def 0, Len 0, res 0; magic weapon

??? Sacred Lion Bite (322): Dmg 2, Att 0, Def -1, Len 0, res 0; magic weapon

Cultural Armor

44 Furs: This is used without change to represent Skins.

105 Hide Shield: A small, rawhide shield, non-specialized.

112 Great Hide Shield: Traditional full-body shield, currently considered archaic, but used by some units.

??? Zultu Cuirass: New Armor. A recent advance, roughly comparable in protection to the Manchaka Plate Hauberk, but less encumbering.

??? Zultu Shield: New Armor. Smaller than the Great Hide Shield and handier in melee, it has become the standard shield used by the Zultu Impis.

??? Zultu Bead Cap: New Armor. A national special for certain magic-using Leaders. In a perfect world, this would be configured as a Magical Trinket (1A. Cost 5A). It is automatically assigned to some of the Zultu mages.

79 Zultu Feathered Headdress: New Armor. This is a national special, which has mostly the same characteristics as the Spirit Helm. Since we are unable to add it directly, substituting the Spirit Helm will have to do. (Note: If Machaka can start with Bane Blades, I don�t see any reason not to start certain Zultu with a Spirit Helm.)

Now, some basic troop and leader concepts:


Zultu Militia: These warriors are less experienced and somewhat worse equipped than in other impis. Assegai, Javelin. Hide Shield. Overall about equal to normal men.

Zultu Warrior: The basic Impi warrior. Might be positioned either in the Horns or the Loin of the Impi battle line. Assegai, Javelin. Zultu Shield.

Zultu Old Warrior: Older warrior (Loins warrior or reserve). These are the most experienced and tradition-bound warriors, slow to adopt the more modern equipment of the Impis. Machaka Spear. Zultu Cuirass, Great Hide Shield. Say -1 Str, mv -0/-1.

Zultu Leopard Cult Warrior: Specialized cult of stealthy raiders, armed with the Knobkerrie, carrying a Hide Shield, and armored in animal skins. Stealth (Pillage?) bonus.

(Technically, leopard skins should be restricted to commanders and royalty. However, the Leopard raiders were so cool I couldn�t resist. A more purist line would be to have Jackal Warriors, as in Zulu culture the Jackal has a reputation for cleverness and cunning, and does not have the bad reputation as a scavenger that it has in western cultures.

Also, I briefly considered having these shapeshift. But Vanheim and Mictland already have troops that do this, and I am reluctant to go the well a third time. I might reconsider if the nation tests out as too weak, but I would be extremely reluctant to do so if there was another option.)

Zultu Bull Cult Warrior: Specialized warrior cult, comprised of warriors of exceptional size and strength. Secret rituals enhance their toughness and bulk. Like bulls, they are extremely territorial and skilled patrollers. In the Impi battle line, they are nearly always deployed in the Loins. Bull Knobkerrie, Javelin. Zultu Cuirass and Zultu Shield. +1 sz, +2 hp, +1 Str, Mv -0/-1. Patrol bonus.

Zultu Lion Cult Warrior: This elite warrior cult is the most highly disciplined force in the Zultu Empire. They draw their strength from the totem sacred lions and wear lion skin cloaks into battle. Assegai, Javelin. Zultu Cuirass and Zultu +Shield. Prot +1, mor +2, att +1. Fear effect (�2).

Intombi Warmaiden Cult: These holy female warriors are led by Snake Priestesses. Secret rituals give them almost supernatural resistances. Knobkerrie. Furs, Hide Shield. �1 hp, -1 Str, +1 def. Berserker. Holy. Immune to Poison. Resistant to Fire (25%). Recuperates. Capital only.

Sacred Lions: See notes. Something like Summer Lions without the heat effect. Holy.

The Sacred Lions of Zultu
Based loosely on the Nemean Lion, these totem animals are large and exceptionally tough. They have a base protection of 12 (8 ?stoneskin? + 4 national protection) and regeneration. As holy totem guardians, they have the ability to defeat malignant spirits (their attacks count as magic weapons). In their role as a counter to the abominations of Machaka, they are immune to fire and poison. They can hold their own against most cavalry. (Pricing this one is going to be tricky, I think.)


Zultu Scout: Stealthy. Javelin. Hide Shield. No leader.

Lion Master: Keeper of the Sacred Lions. Machaka Spear. Furs, Great Hide Shield. Holy, Heat/Poison immune. Poor Leader.

Zultu Induna: Regimental commander. Assegai, Javelin. Zultu Cuirass and Shield. Good Leader.

Leopard Induna: Stealthy regimental commander. Assegai, Javelin. Zultu Cuirass and Shield. Good Leader.

Zultu King: Bull Knobkerrie. Zultu Shield and Cuirass. Feathered Headdress. Exceptional Leader.

Zultu Inyanga (Witch): 1E1N (Healer). Female herbalist and wise woman. Quarterstaff. Poor Leader.

Zultu Sangoma 1A3H. Feathered Headdress. Quarterstaff. A principal tribal elder and councillor. Capital only. Poor Leader. Poor Magic Leader

Zultu Snake Priestess: 2H. Local religious leader. Some of these run the holy Intombi cult. Quarterstaff. Immune to Poison. Resistant to Fire (25%). Recuperates. Holy.

(Note: Technically, the Snake is evil in Zulu folklore, but a snake dance with poisonous snakes is traditional in Zulu culture. It is important to point out that snakes themselves are not worshipped, so a provision like a snake priestess turning into a snake would be inappropriate. That is a lammashta trick, and being both Death path and forest-based,it doesn't really fit.

Zultu Sorcerer 1A2N2?(random, same elemental). Quarterstaff. Bead Cap. Awe?. Capital only.
The random is a double, so there is a 25% chance to get 3AN2 or some lesser elemental combination. There is no chance to get 3N without empowering, nor will Astral, Blood, or Death magic results occur.

Zultu Storyteller 1? (random, any school) The storyteller is the repository of traditional stories and wisdom. Fist. Bead Cap. Capital only. +2 research.

Heroes (to be detailed)
Khekhekli (a slight corruption of the current leader�s name)
Shakala (a slight corruption of the founding leader�s name)
Umabatha (if you go net surfing, you will get a hit)

Unit and Leader Variations
These adjustments are added to the base Zultu in addition to adjustments for individual unit types.

Militia: �1 hp, �2 Pro, �2 mor, �1 MR �1 Str, �1 att, �1 def, mv-1/-1

All Warrior Cults: +1MR, +1Pro

Leader Adjustments

Fighter Ldr: +1 hp, +1 mor
Major Mage: -1str, -2 att, +1 prec, +2 MR, mor +2
Minor Mage: -1str , -2 att, -2def, +1 prec, +1MR, mor +1
Priest: -1 hp, -1att, +1 prec, +1 MR, +1 mor

Graphic Notes
The experience of a military unit can be seen in the amount of white on the shield; the more experienced the unit, the more white. Inexperienced units tend to have black shields. Shield are cowhide patterns. Thus:


Note: Tufted arm and leg bands should be included.

Zultu Militia: 75% black, 25% white. Simple circlet on head.

Zultu Warrior: 50% black, 50% white. Beaded circlet.

Zultu Old Warrior: 25% black, 75% white. Zultu Cuirass. Beaded circlet with feathers. Beaded loincloth.

Zultu Leopard Warrior: Shield has a leopard skin cover, warrior has leopard skin cloak. Leopard circlet.

Zultu Bull Warriors: 25% brown, 75% white, Zultu Cuirass, tall dark headdress

Zultu Lion Warrior: 25% brown, 75% white, Zultu Cuirass, lion headdress and cloak.

Zultu Intombi Warrior: Female. 100% brown (rawhide) shield, beaded circlet with feathers.

Sacred Lion: Recolor the Summer Lion, making it less red and more tawny/yellow.


Zultu Scout: 100% brown rawhide shield. Simple circlet.

Lion Master: Machaka Spear, Great Hide Shield. Lion headdress with feathers.

Zultu Induna: Shield as Warrior. Headress with feathers.

Leopard Induna: As Leopard Warrior, but headdress with feathers.

Zultu King: Albino leopard cloak. Headress with large plumes.

General Note: Zultu bead patterns indicate social rank and standing--fascinating info can be found.

Next time, I�ll do the math and finish mapping the units against the Abysia recruitment screen.
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