Advanced Teleporting Strategy For Dummies.
Hi All.
I don't think I've ever actually started a thead before, so here goes my question. Teleporting/Fairy Trod and the death/astral army moving spells have great potential for trapping your enemy. I want to focus on using it defensively.
If my castle is under siege, I teleport in 20 mages. Do the mages go into the castle, or fight during the magic Phase? I think they go into the castle....the same with 'factional summons' like Horde from hell, and Angel hosts. But neutral summons like Horrors would cause a battle during the magic phase. challenge to 'anyone' with solid knowledge about "phases" and "Spell Results" please clairify the results of using these spells.
I know 'Pangaea Jeff' is good at strategically re-locating his Moloch and crew at key times. So, anyone with experience, give examples.
Thanks, yc