A man has been arrested in Japan on suspicion carrying out a virtual mugging spree by using software "bots" to beat up and rob characters in the online computer game Lineage II. The stolen virtual possessions were then exchanged for real cash.
This gets 3 I-told-you-so's from me.
1) Ive said that "virtual" means almost as good as. And Virtual Reality pretty much ensures that anything which exists in reality, you can pretty much bet will exist in virtual reality.
2) Ive also said that comments like "no big deal" or "they cant really do anything about it" or "they cant catch me" should always be said with a "yet" tacked onto the end of it.
3) AND Ive always said that if we dont police ourselves then you can bet that the real world will eventually step in and do it for us.
Gandalf Parker