Assaults and the mine belt
I played every SP till SP WAW� I found SPMBT and SPWWII just two weeks ago. So am not really used to their engines. I downloaded Win SPMBT about an hour after it became available and love it so far. Except�
I can not win or even breach the mine fields in an assault! The computer is putting a band 5-6 hexes deep and I can not tell when my tanks have cleared a hex! In the old SP if you held the mouse over a hex it would tell you the conditions of the hex. In WinSPMBT it just tells me the terrain type. It says clear even when I can see mines in it. How do I tell a hex is clear of mines if I have a immobile tank in the hex?
In SPWAW I could win a assault by �drilling� a hole in the mine belt with 10-12 mine clearing tanks clearing a 1-2 hex path in 2-3 turns. I have played three Assaults in WinSPMBT so far and even with 20+ mine clearing tanks and 9 combat engineers I have not made it through the mine field in the time allowed! (And the AI�s arty loves me sitting still that long!)
Any hints of how to get through the mine belts?
BTW LOVE THE UAVs! Makes my arty very useful!