Lego shipset
Hi everyone.
I've been lurking on the edges of this forum since SEIV was released. I must say that it is very impressive how quickly questions and requests get answered.
I've seen all the custom shipsets people have made and wanted to try my hand at it.
I've been working on a LEGO shipset using a 'lego-cad' program (mlcad and ldraw) and creating the picture files with Pov-Ray. It is coming along nicely and I think they look pretty good.
There has been mention before about a "LEGO Shipset". Does anybody have any pictures? This would be a great help if there are any out there and I could use them. Most of the ships are done (I'm just using the "Classic Space" sets) and it is just the mines, troops, transports etc that have to be finished.
[This message has been edited by Wombat (edited 31 August 2001).]