I've had it with the craziness of Organic Armor, so I'm gonna fix it.
NOTE: if this has already been fixed for v1.41, and nobody has told me yet, please do so now.
Ok, as it is, all pieces of organic armor must be completely destroyed in one turn, otherwise the damage is completely healed.
So, for Pirates & Nomads v2.3, I propose to do the following:
-Change the organic armor ability into an "organic resource generation" ability.
-Give Organic armor a shield generation ability equal to its hitpoints.
-Give Organic armor a shield regeneration ability equal to its old "organic armor" ability.
-Rewrite my AI patcher (My HDD was reformatted and I lost the source, FYI) and program the shipdesign.txt patch to replace "Organic Armor" calls with "organic resource generation" calls.
-Change the description to mention "Bio-electric Field", "provides a shield effect", and "can be tapped to recharge mechanical shield generators"
AI's will still use the OA normally.
Against normal weapons, the organic armor work like you would expect it to, from reading the description.
Phased polaron beams will skip the OA's shield effect, but will still have to cut through the armor.
Also, this will remove the invulnerability issue with Organic races who use 10 OAs on a ship (can heal 1500 damage per turn!)
Questions, Comments and Suggestions are welcome
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