Internet TV and Radio
Do any of you listen to free - legal - internet radio and or TV?
I use win amp and listen to club 977 and one that a member here recommended for a Seattle station. I have come to realize that this could possibly become one of the largest untapped cash cows of our modern times. Think about it, for pennies a day you could subscribe, provided such service existed, to comerical free internet radio and TV.
I mean why haven't the big networks jumped on this and taken advantage of the huge untapped resevor of people who would gladly pay a buck to see their favorite TV shows most recent episode comerical free fed to them via streaming video. I know that I would rather download an episode and watch it when I have time ala tivo, but without out all of the commericals that Tivo no longers excludes.
Or while I am working at my PC I would love the ablity to listen to a show while I am working on something, or watch it while I am at my PC.
This market has a huge potential yet viturally no one has taken advantage of it.
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.