Confession - I like the easy level.
Shame on me if i am the only one... but i love to play on easy level !
Usually, i play on hard level and mange more or less to win (i quit if i lead in all the power charts and the game starts to get boring).
But just for trying out tactics i read in this forum, i started an easy game.. and realize that i like it !
For once i can turtle along, deciding when to attack and where, researching several high-level spells and concentrate at one enemy at a time. Just for once, my prophet get not killed by fire from afar on turn 10 and my only Earth-3 mage get not assassinated (yet). This is incredible relaxing and not as boring as if feared. I really look forward to build up my full-equipped, flying golem squad.
So my question is: I am the only one who enjoys (just some times) to play at the easy level ?